Eve ship most low slots

Low slot - UniWiki - Eve University Low slots are a category of module slot found on ships in EVE. Generally, low slots contain passive modules which improve ship performance. Armor tanking modules occupy low slots. Some low slot modules share purposes with mid slot modules, but the details of ...

Raven (Caldari State Battleship) fitting, attributes and screenshots at EVE Online Ships EVE Online | EVE Insider | Forums EVE allows you to discover, ... She takes care of rats in the 0.5 space we mine in most commonly. ... a roid scanner in my mid slot and two cargo expanders in my low slots. Which ship has the ability to fit the most modules in it? : Eve

under the ships info tab under "fitting" there are shown the "low slots", the "med slots" and the "high slots" (how much does the ship has) ...

Slot - EVEWiki 2015-10-26 · A slot is a space on a ship that a module can be fit into on the fitting screen. They come in 3 varieties: high, medium, and low. Different types of equipment fit into different types of slots. High slots . High slots tend to be for weapons and other devices that affect other ships and objects. Which ship has the ability to fit the most modules in it Max theoretical number of modules possible would be 24. 8 high slot's, 8 medium slots and 8 low slots. No ship in the game has 8 of each slot type which is accessible to players on TQ. The most would probably be titan's which have 8 highs, and a combination of 13 medium/low slots for a total of 21 module slots.

Low slot - UniWiki - EVE University

Missile guidance modules, the Hecate and balance ... - EVE Online 6 Jul 2015 ... Aegis promises to deliver some of the biggest changes to New Eden in ... Missile Guidance Enhancers – these are passive, low slot modules ...

Weapon grouping, a new hope So what ... this method frees F1-F8 shortcuts up on your module overlay for other mid/low-slots (remember, this does not free the ship module slots themselves).

Jul 6, 2015 ... Aegis promises to deliver some of the biggest changes to New Eden in ... Missile Guidance Enhancers – these are passive, low slot modules ... Capacitor Management Guide, part 2 — NevilleSmit.com

Over Done Ice Mining Guide - Eve-Guides.com

EVE Evolved: Medic ships, part 1: The healers of EVE - Engadget 21 Mar 2010 ... While most MMOs dedicate these roles to specific classes, ships in EVE ... Standard armour repairers are low slot modules that can only repair ... PVP Fit Rifter - EVE Online ISK Guide The Rifter is one of the most versatile ships in EVE Online. ... modules together will utilize all out mid slots, so we will use the low slots for an active armor tank. EVE - Ship: Executioner

DaOpa's EVE-Online FanSite Logo ... Slots. Sig. Cargo Capacity, HP, EM Shield Resistance, Explosion Shield ... Drone Capacity, Drone bandwidth, High Slot, Mid Slot, Low Slot, Launcher Hardpoint, Turret Hardpoint, CPU, Powergrid. Tengu Subsystem Config Tool - Ellatha DaOpa's EVE-Online FanSite Logo ... Slots. Sig. Cargo Capacity, HP, EM Shield Resistance, Explosion Shield ... Drone Capacity, Drone bandwidth, High Slot, Mid Slot, Low Slot, Launcher Hardpoint, Turret Hardpoint, CPU, Powergrid.